Tuesday, March 17, 2009

The "O's" have it: For the week of 3/16/2009

Opinion: Who watches the Watchmen?

Well, if you didn't get the movie pun, that's because you haven't watched anything related to the film "Watchmen," the 2009 superhero film based off the the 1986 graphic novel of the same name. Written by Alan Moore and David Gibbons, and set in an alternate-history 1985, Watchmen follows a group of former vigilantes as tensions rise between the United States and the Soviet Union while an investigation of an apparent conspiracy against them uncovers something even more grandiose and sinister (thank you Wikipedia for that, cause i got lazy with the movie description).

The film was very highly anticipated, and opening weekend sales were spectacular (despite the film being roughly three hours long). I personally liked the film, as it told a very good story and the action didn't seem like it was a sore thumb, popping up god knows where. Great movie in my book.

It has come to my attention, however, that many people who saw the film didn't like it. I don't know if it's because they read the novel first , or they really thought the film was bad. Seems like a bunch of mixed opinions

And while I do like "Watchmen," this is, however, an Opinion post. The "O's" have it is something I'm trying up here, and I like the idea, so there....you don't like it, POST SOMETHIN!!!

Lookin' for people who have seen the film to give a 'Yah' if you liked it, or a 'Nah' if you didn't like it. You can leave your "O's" in the comment section at the bottom of this post (it says comments, with a little pencil beside it).

Weigh in, Deuces

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